2016 Armed Forces Day 5K
Location Northville Michigan Start Time 5/21/2016 8:04:36 AM
Category 5K
Distance 3.16 miles Ascend 123 feet Descend -124 feet
Total Time 00:29:17 Moving 00:29:15 Stopped 00:00:02
Average Pace 00:09:16 min/mi Fastest Pace 00:07:57 min/mi Slowest Pace 00:12:32 min/mi
Calories 204 Average HR 162 BPM Max HR 170 BPM
Weather 56 °F Unspecified Min./Max.: 55.7 °F/56.0 °F; Pressure: 1016.8 mbar; Humidity: 63.1%; Dew point: 43.3 °F; Wind Speed: 1.5 mph; Precipitation: 0.0mm
Equipment Garmin - 910XT
Omron - HJ-729ITC
Garmin - Garmin Foot Pod - New
Asics - Asics - Gel Nimbus 17
Super Feet - Green - Pair 5
Garmin - Garmin Heart Rate Monitor
Duracell - CR2032 #3
Duracell - CR2032 #5
Notes May 21, 2016 Northville High School Baseball Team sponsored a 5K in support of the Freedom Center. An overcast day, but no rain, nice temperature, narrow sidewalk to start, but most of course was great. A few ups and downs but no serious elevation.
Distance (mi) Total Time Split Time Split Pace Split Speed Elevation Change (ft)
1.00 00:09:10 00:09:10 00:09:10 6.5 -48.54
2.00 00:18:28 00:09:17 00:09:18 6.5 28.50
3.00 00:27:56 00:09:27 00:09:28 6.3 10.70
3.16 00:29:17 00:01:20 00:08:32 7.0 9.04